Thursday, July 7, 2016

Red Date Maltose Biscuit

This is yet another entry brought about for having excessive stuff in the pantry, but this time I feel it’s not due to an impulsive buy.

Let me explain, but you can skip directly to the recipe if you are not interested to read my long story.

I have long heard about the health benefits of incorporating Chinese red dates into ones daily diet, especially for the ladies. I heard a story from my maternal grandparent about a coolie who worked for a towkay who imported sundries and dried goods. He was a weak man who had no choice but to trade sweat and labour for basic shelter and food during those hard times. However, he felt that it was a waste to throw away the soiled red dates that fell out of the gunny sacks. Hence he saved them and took one precious red date each day. After come time, the towkay noticed that the coolie had rosy cheeks and started to get healthier by the day and asked him why. Of course, the coolie told the truth and all ends well.  

My grandparent was trying to teach us about honesty, yes yes, but what caught my attention was the possibility of having rosy cheeks.

This little scarlet fruit is known as a superfood which is capable of;

- helping to stimulate the production of white blood cells, improving immunity.

- reducing cholesterol in the bloodstream and protects the liver.

- strengthening the spleen and stomach Qi (energy) which in turns helps to digest food, tonify blood and tranquilize the mind.

- preventing osteoporosis and anemia, both common in women.

Red dates tonic is often consumed by ladies after their monthly period and mothers after giving birth. No wonder having a regular intake may bring one rosy and lustrous complexion.

I believe in what I read and went out to buy 2 bags of red date and intend to stick to popping a few religiously on a daily basis. I always had them in my herbal soups and some wholesome beverages, however, having them raw is completely not my cup of tea. Great. That’s how I ended up with 2 bags of red dates sitting aimlessly in my pantry and I almost forgot about them until I accidentally saw them while reaching for some nuts.

My mind started to whizz and rattle “Must get rid of them…. Recipe, gimme a good recipe to polish them off…”

Red Dates Maltose Biscuit


Chinese red dates (Pitted, finely chopped and diced)


Caster sugar
Plain flour
Full cream milk powder


1. Melt the butter, maltose, sugar and salt over hot water bath. Stir constantly and once sugar has completed dissolved, add in diced red dates and mix well. Put aside and cool.

Note: I left the final wet mixture on the hot water bath for another 5 minutes before removing to cool.

2. Place the plain flour. cornstarch an full cream milk powder into a mixing bowl and mix the dry mixture well.

3. Add in the wet mixture into the dry mixture and mix well with a spatula to form a dough.

4. Place the dough in a plastic bag, flatten it and refrigerate for approximately 15 minutes.

5. Preheat the oven to and line the baking tray with baking paper.

6. Remove the chilled dough from the refrigerator and roll out the dough, to a thickness of approximately 3mm, on a lightly floured surface. Cut out using cookie cutters.

7. Transfer carefully onto the prepared tray and give them a quick milk wash on top. Pop them into the already preheated oven for 10 minutes.

Note: Do not panic if the cookie dough tore went you are transferring it to the tray. Mine did, just put it back to the remaining dough and roll it out for the next cutting.

8. Keep a close eye on this batch. As this recipe contains maltose which is susceptible to more browning compared to granulated sugar. Remove from the oven if the biscuits start darkening a tad too much, They should a tantalising rich toasty brown colour.

This recipe yields really crunchy biscuits and the morsels of red dates adds a chewy bite every now and then. My tasters did not stop at one, I beamed and angels sang... Quick make a cup of coffee and enjoy this fragrant, bittersweet treat.   

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Red Date Maltose Biscuit

This is yet another entry brought about for having excessive stuff in the pantry, but this time I feel it’s not due to an impulsive buy.

Let me explain, but you can skip directly to the recipe if you are not interested to read my long story.

I have long heard about the health benefits of incorporating Chinese red dates into ones daily diet, especially for the ladies. I heard a story from my maternal grandparent about a coolie who worked for a towkay who imported sundries and dried goods. He was a weak man who had no choice but to trade sweat and labour for basic shelter and food during those hard times. However, he felt that it was a waste to throw away the soiled red dates that fell out of the gunny sacks. Hence he saved them and took one precious red date each day. After come time, the towkay noticed that the coolie had rosy cheeks and started to get healthier by the day and asked him why. Of course, the coolie told the truth and all ends well.  

My grandparent was trying to teach us about honesty, yes yes, but what caught my attention was the possibility of having rosy cheeks.

This little scarlet fruit is known as a superfood which is capable of;

- helping to stimulate the production of white blood cells, improving immunity.

- reducing cholesterol in the bloodstream and protects the liver.

- strengthening the spleen and stomach Qi (energy) which in turns helps to digest food, tonify blood and tranquilize the mind.

- preventing osteoporosis and anemia, both common in women.

Red dates tonic is often consumed by ladies after their monthly period and mothers after giving birth. No wonder having a regular intake may bring one rosy and lustrous complexion.

I believe in what I read and went out to buy 2 bags of red date and intend to stick to popping a few religiously on a daily basis. I always had them in my herbal soups and some wholesome beverages, however, having them raw is completely not my cup of tea. Great. That’s how I ended up with 2 bags of red dates sitting aimlessly in my pantry and I almost forgot about them until I accidentally saw them while reaching for some nuts.

My mind started to whizz and rattle “Must get rid of them…. Recipe, gimme a good recipe to polish them off…”

Red Dates Maltose Biscuit


Chinese red dates (Pitted, finely chopped and diced)


Caster sugar
Plain flour
Full cream milk powder


1. Melt the butter, maltose, sugar and salt over hot water bath. Stir constantly and once sugar has completed dissolved, add in diced red dates and mix well. Put aside and cool.

Note: I left the final wet mixture on the hot water bath for another 5 minutes before removing to cool.

2. Place the plain flour. cornstarch an full cream milk powder into a mixing bowl and mix the dry mixture well.

3. Add in the wet mixture into the dry mixture and mix well with a spatula to form a dough.

4. Place the dough in a plastic bag, flatten it and refrigerate for approximately 15 minutes.

5. Preheat the oven to and line the baking tray with baking paper.

6. Remove the chilled dough from the refrigerator and roll out the dough, to a thickness of approximately 3mm, on a lightly floured surface. Cut out using cookie cutters.

7. Transfer carefully onto the prepared tray and give them a quick milk wash on top. Pop them into the already preheated oven for 10 minutes.

Note: Do not panic if the cookie dough tore went you are transferring it to the tray. Mine did, just put it back to the remaining dough and roll it out for the next cutting.

8. Keep a close eye on this batch. As this recipe contains maltose which is susceptible to more browning compared to granulated sugar. Remove from the oven if the biscuits start darkening a tad too much, They should a tantalising rich toasty brown colour.

This recipe yields really crunchy biscuits and the morsels of red dates adds a chewy bite every now and then. My tasters did not stop at one, I beamed and angels sang... Quick make a cup of coffee and enjoy this fragrant, bittersweet treat.